

Special Unit of Information and Memory (UEIM)
The Special Unit of Information and Memory (UEIM), whose physical area is 350 m², is currently run by Prof. Dr. João Roberto Martins and has a vast range of private and public collections, such as, a newspaper library, a map collection, a photograph collection (about slavery, labor and immigration), thesis, dissertations, books and journals. In December, 2009, Thereza Santos Collection was included at UEIM bringing to its database 830 books and a precious set of works of art related to African studies on the history, culture and art of different countries in Africa. Besides, this unit of information and memory has computers, printers, scanners and video cameras which are used primarily for the development of research activities.

Ana Lagôa Archive
This archive, which reunites the personal collection donated by the journalist Ana Mascia Lagôa, has nowadays approximately 22 thousand newspaper clippings on the military dictatorship time and subsequent periods. Besides, it also has 1,600 books, 2,000 journals, monographs, thesis, dissertations and 6,000 pages of articles written by the jornalist herself during the time she worked as a sectorist for the military area of the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, in Brasilia, in the second half of 1970’s, the period in which there was the opening of the military political system in Brazil. This archive, run by Prof. Dr. João Roberto Martins, has also been increasing its database and it is already a national reference of research on subjects related to strategic and military issues in its multiple interfaces. 

Interdisciplinary Center Literature and Society (NILS)
The Interdisciplinary Center Literature and Society (NILS) is a center of interdisciplinary and thematic study that has a newspaper library with more than 7,000 newspaper clippings, a library with more than 600 titles of contemporary fiction, besides a video library and a collection of journals, dissertations and thesis on contemporary Brazilian fictional literary and audio-visual narratives in the multiple relations they keep with the cultural universe. Its insertion was funded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) through the support line “Jovem Pesquisador em Centros Emergentes”, given in 1999 to the project Ficção Contemporânea e Indústria Cultural, designed and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Tânia Pellegrini. In addition to being a support unit of the Language and Literature department (DL), NILS has officially been part of the Special Unit of Information and Memory UEIM) of Humanities and Education Centre since June, 2001.

Portuguese Language Literature Lab
The laboratory of Portuguese Language Literature, whose physical area is 12 m², is equipped with a computer, tables, chairs, bookshelves, journals and thesis. This lab shelters an important collection of the research project "Grupo de Estudos Literários Portugueses e Africanos", coordinated by Prof. Dr. Jorge Vicente Valentim. This collection is divided into literary and theorical works: 369 on Portuguese literature; 121 on African Literature in Portuguese and more than 160 magazines and journals. The relevance of this collection is making the bibliographic material available to students and professors at UFSCar as well as other higher education institutions, since it is not so easy to be accessed.

Besides the sectorial collections stored in the labs and centers of CECH and DL, the area of literature has a general collection at the Community Library (BCO) at UFSCar in São Carlos. It is a 9,000 m² area, divided into six furnished floors, that accommodates 420 seats and four group study rooms. The library offers catalogues and automated circulation services; access to the local database, to full text and to CAPES scientific journal gateway; online national and international switching, interlibrary loan, support and guidance to the users. All services are computerized. The big area called “Linguistics, Language, Literature and Art” has 196 journals and 30,380 monographies at BCO. The literature studied by the graduates in Literature Study Program (PPGLit) is divided into BCO’s collection in literary and theoretical works in the following proportion:
- Brazilian Literature: 10,895 volumes;
- Spanish and Hispanic-American Literature: 283 works;
- English and North-American Literature: 1,217 works;
- Portuguese Literature: 866 works;
- African Literature: 14 works.
BCO has still Florestan Fernandes Collection and Luiz Martins Collection, both acquired by UFSCar and sheltered in special rooms in its premises. Since this area keeps rare works, there is an infrastructure (with copy machines and scanners) to reproduce the necessary material for the researchers. Besides, there are other valuable acquired or donated collections, such as Brasiliana, Henrique Alves and João Roberto Martins collections.